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What is the cutest thing you've ever seen a dog do?

What is the cutest thing you've ever seen a dog do? Check out these pictures of the 25  cutest  puppies we  have ever seen , and learn ....

Best Dog Breeds for Home Protection in (2021)

Best Dog Breeds for Home Protection in (2021)

कुत्तों की सबसे अच्छी नस्ल क्या है, और क्यों ?


1. I do not have one, and I will only adopt mixed breed dogs, as they have better genetic stability than the pure breed, bred for different single traits. Designers are not dog breeds, and are genetically messed up the most.

2. That said, I really like a tall, quiet dog, and therefore often look for sight hound mixes. I have Irish Wolfhound Mix and Great Pyrenees Mix. Both of those breeds have some genetic constraints that come with their size and shape. The older the breed, the more stable it is (if it has been messed up in the past 50 to 100 years of display of strange aesthetics without any practical merit). 


3. When I was younger, I saved more than one Chow Chow Mix and socialized the heck out of them, and they had some excellent, friendly, smart dogs who were all appreciated and loved.

4. Through my work, I am very happy to be able to work and live with all types of dogs. I can really enjoy Great Dens and Boxers etc. without being an owner. I am familiar with the needs and demands of various breeds, which come on top of the needs of individual dogs.

5. I, too, during the years of rescue, had dogs that had become mine, which I was not really "chun", which were some of the best dogs I ever had. Mysterious dogs that I never got DNA tested.


6. I have trouble working with Chihuahua because their brains are different from other dogs ... They live in a kind of permanent puppy stage and therefore have trouble developing confidence and reasoning skills like other dogs. So they are born disabled, and since people rarely treat them like dogs, they are often worse and more and more upset throughout life. I think the big Mexican Chihuahua is an exception to this.

7. One can generalize about breeds and be right about certain things. Absolutely. But things that domesticate "right" and resonate on a personal, heartfelt level? Neither of those things are there.

8. When I have learned since the age of 7 and thought that Cocker Spaniels were the prettiest, any dog ​​could be the best dog ever, but it rarely looked like blood or body or even how the dog looked is.

9. Different dogs can also be born with mental imbalances: anxiety, depression, irritability, etc., as are some humans. We can treat some things right now, some we cannot. If we are brainy, we can work with any dog ​​to make that dog as happy and balanced as possible.

10. Some breeds of dogs are harmed, a lot, in the way we have prepared them to suit our craze. This, to me, is one of the greatest sins of our species, and perhaps we do not live to see the day when we begin to reverse it by seeking breeding for healthy versions of these dogs.


11. We are still displacing parts of the spine and ears for some good reason in the US, causing scientifically proven psychological damage, when other countries have rejected it. So I did not take my breath away.

12. I would say that any type of dog that wants it can be found in rescue if there is a patient. Purebred dogs end up in rescue not because they are imperfect dogs, but because people are fools. Bad breeders do not have to pay for a C-section and dump mothers. People get puppies as gifts and did not want a puppy. People buy puppies and feel that they really need work. people die. People walk Parents say no. Landlords find out. Dogs don't get along "it gets hair on the furniture". "It's getting loose." "We are going away for 3 months and will get another one when we come back." This is an endless list. Purebred rescues are often so crowded that they do not have enough foster homes. Do they ask questions and fill you an application and want to see your fence? Absolutely. Why? See the list above about stupid people. Rescuers love the dogs they rescue and keep in their homes.

13. Shelters usually have a list of breed-specific remains and are called when they find specific purebreds, especially those who have high-maintenance or specific medical issues, educating them like English Bulldogs and Hawkeyes Is required to do. When you adopt from these groups, you often allow them to pull and save other lives from the shelter. It's not like you're not helping the shelter.

14. FYI: There are people who show up and breed for things like temperament, do all their genetic screening, border litters, etc. I don't think they don't exist. They are extremely rare, and difficult to find. They will shut down your gourmet, and you may have to wait for years for one of their dogs. Often, they are purely involved in defense. If you want to buy a dog, ask for a rescue that specializes in that breed for direction.

Do you want a dog for Christmas? Start watching now Never panic. I have yet to meet anyone who says that their current dog is fine and they should meet someone else. Unless the current dog was a surprise gift or surprise legacy… I listen a lot.

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