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What is the cutest thing you've ever seen a dog do?

What is the cutest thing you've ever seen a dog do? Check out these pictures of the 25  cutest  puppies we  have ever seen , and learn ....

What is the cutest thing you've ever seen a dog do?

What is the cutest thing you've ever seen a dog do?

Check out these pictures of the 25 cutest puppies we have ever seen, and learn ... There are a lot of things that can contribute to a humdrum day. ... There are a few basic physical features that make up a dog: Four paws, two ...


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This is about my neighbor dog. 

His name is Goldie (which I don't like so I call him Bruno). So it started when I came back to my hometown to prepare for my exam.

Smartest Dogs Breed

One day my mother asked me to dry the washed clothes in the balcony. I did not know that we had new neighbors and they had a dog. When I went to the balcony, he started barking, I was scared at first, but then after some time I was very happy to see that lovely dog. I went to the kitchen and took some pieces of bread and gave it to him. He was very happy. And then I got busy with my luggage.

Smartest Dogs Breed



One day I was walking in the balcony and I saw him.

 How dull he looked. I came to know that his master is out of town for a day or two and left him tied with a pole. I got very angry. I jumped to the other side and removed her chain so she could turn around. Gave him water and bread. I could understand how happy he was at that moment.

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 I usually take him to a huge natural park. He remembered all the way to the park. There were tall grasses and trunk trees and many slopes and wooden bridges. I park my car on the edge of the park and he jumps out of the car with enthusiasm and always gets ahead of me to know which big trail to take.

Smartest Dogs Breed


One day, I left the same place for a walk in the car park.

 But this time was strange. He refused to go to the park any more. I tried to call him but he just sat down and started barking at me. So I said, if you don't follow then I will keep going. I walked about 200 yards away listening to him barking. 

Smartest Dogs Breed

Then he ran towards me and shook the edge of my pants slightly and tried to pull my leg. He was constantly telling me not to take another step. I felt this strange behavior, so I said, "Well, you don't want to walk today. Let's go home again." He immediately walked back towards the car, but stopped every 20 yards to see if I was following. Eventually we went to the distant lake shore. I thought he would like to walk on the lake. Without hesitation, he happily jumped out of the car. 

Smartest Dogs Breed

We wandered in the lake for about 2 km until a beautiful hotel arrived there. 

Then, we came back home. He showed no frustration and was not stubborn. I did not understand his attitude in the park until the next morning. I was sitting in a coffee shop drinking coffee and reading a newspaper. There is a large picture of the black bear on the front page. The article stated that it was walking in the same park where I was walking Bobby. No incident occurred, police said, and had already intoxicated him and taken him to a remote mountain in a helicopter ride. So now, I knew why Bobby was stubborn to go further into the park.

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He likes to sit on chairs. He especially likes to claim chairs when we are guests at home.

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