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What is the cutest thing you've ever seen a dog do?

What is the cutest thing you've ever seen a dog do? Check out these pictures of the 25  cutest  puppies we  have ever seen , and learn ....

Benefits of Having a Dog for a Child (2021)

Benefits of Having a Dog for a Child (2021)

15 Reasons Why You Should Get Your Kid A Dog · #2. Dogs Teach Responsibility · #3. Dogs Build Up The Immune System · #4. Dogs Offer ...


1. You are the most important person in a dog's life. All you have to do is feed them and pay attention to them and they will look at you.
Smartest Dogs Breed

2. Dogs do not do justice. They don't care what you look like, sound, smell, how fat or thin you are, if you are smart or stupid, old or young, crippled or healthy.
Smartest Dogs Breed


3. Dogs are loyal. They do not get tired of you. Every moment they are with you is the best moment of their life.
Smartest Dogs Breed

4. They keep your secret. You can tell a dog anything and you know he won't tell anyone else.

Smartest Dogs Breed

5. Dogs are not able to catch eyebrows. If you accidentally step on their tail, they will complain and then forgive you immediately. And forget most, except maybe apologize in your own way and try to keep your tail under your feet in the future.
Smartest Dogs Breed

6. Dogs (and other pets) help make us better humans.

 They teach us patience, forgiveness, responsibility, loyalty and compassion. They teach us to enjoy life, roll with punches and see the world from the perspective of difference. I believe that pets are here to help better people.
Smartest Dogs Breed

7. If you love a creature less than you, I think it makes you a better person.
Smartest Dogs Breed


8. We probably do the same to them. However a dog will not do this - they have no concept of such behavior. For every ounce of love you bring them back a ton. Each person is a specific person. I have two relics that are quite similar, yet you cannot get two different personalities. I love them both in different ways, as they do me. So when you pick up a dog in your life, you're never sure how they'll get out - like kids really, other than that they don't meet at an age where they hate you and a daily Let's misbehave.
Smartest Dogs Breed

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See also

Dogs are many things to different people. But mine, they are part of my family and very important part of my everyday.

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